Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the story behind 3HEXCLUB?

Inspired by the 10k club, 3HEXCLUB was started as a fun experiment for collectors to own three digit hex colors.

If you want to read the whole story, check out the Medium post.

How do I mint a color and is there a limit to how many I can claim?

The only way to claim a color is by owning a 3-digit ENS hex name. As long as you have the corresponding ENS name, there is no limit to how many you can claim.

Need to buy an ENS but not sure which one? Check out the home page to see some colors.

How many are available?

There are only 4,096 three digit hex colors.

What's a 3-digit hex color?

A 3-digit color hex significantly reduces the amount of possible combinations to a mere 4,096 (16³) total combinations. #RGB refers to the color #RRGGBB. Each character that makes up the hex code must be repeated twice in a standard 6-digit hex for it to be a valid 3-digit hex code. For example #5522FF (3HEXCLUBs vibrant purple color) can also be referred to as #52F and vice versa. The only possible characters to be within the hex are 0-9 and/or A-F.

How much does it cost to claim one?

It's free to claim a color (+ gas of course). Your ENS will automatically be converted to a color card part of 3HEXCLUBs collection that can be traded on OpenSea. If you don't have a corresponding ENS already, you'll have to pay a registration fee through ENS.

What are the royalties on OpenSea?


Having these royalties are really important for growing the project down the road. Keep in mind we're not making money off of the mint—instead we're betting on the project to do well over the long term.

How long is the claim period?

The claim period lasts about 2 months from the initial launch date. You have until August 31, 2022 at 11:59pm PDT to claim your color cards.

What happens to the unclaimed colors in the collection?

No matter how successful the project is, it's inevitable that some colors will remain unclaimed (since at time of launch, half of the ENSs corresponding to the color cards in the collection were already claimed). After the claim window is up, we’ll be able to mint the remaining colors to a community wallet and let you decide what to do with them. (10%, or 150 (whichever is greater) of unclaimed color cards will be kept for marketing purposes, giveaways, and more.)

What are the future plans for the project?

Currently there's no roadmap. This project can go in all different directions and we're excited to explore different ideas from the community and see where it takes us! The possibilities truly seem endless with this project. 👀

Still have questions?

Hop in the discord and hit us with your questions/comments. You can open up a support ticket to talk directly with a team member.